Releases: msupply-foundation/open-msupply
- #6651 display approved quantity in requisition, update chart calculations
- #6825 update front end plugin interfaces names
- #6481 Add insert returns as shipped when inserting from shipments
- #6795 change background colour to white
Bug fixes
- #6819 The confirm delivered option of customer returns is greyed out when it has been created from returning stock from another store
- #6810 Inbound shipment: when change status to 'Delivered', the 'Add item' button keeps disabled, until you click on it
- #6818 Fix autocomplete appearance on Android
Full Changelog: v2.6.1-RC1...v2.6.1-RC2
Bug Fixes
- #6069 fix suggested quantities replacing requested quantities - internal order
- #6364 Fix siteInfo alignment Android
- #6731 Handle error when no reason provided for adding/adjusting stock
Full Changelog: v2.6.0...v2.6.1-RC1
New Features
Internal Order: Issues.
A few enhancements to the internal order process, to meet specific client needs
- Ability to link an Internal Order to an Inbound Shipment: this then allows you to copy lines from a previous inbound shipment to the new internal order
- Custom calculations for suggested quantity and AMC: including calculations which take the days out of stock into consideration
- Aggregate program orders with values from lower level facilities
Dispensing Enhancements: Issues
The ability to record payments for prescriptions, bringing in the patient insurance policy support from mSupply. This release also sees the start of label printing for prescriptions. This is a first release of this feature, so the functionality is limited, however it is great to have label printing finally supported!
Lots more features too, as you can see in this list:
- Enhanced filtering for Prescriptions
- Displaying extra information: including the prescribed quantity
- Patient history: shows the dispensing history of a patient
- Payments: tools which are useful when collecting payments for prescriptions
- Insurance: the ability to add an insurance program to a patient and provide a discount for the payment
- Cancel prescriptions
- Label printing
- Add reference to prescriptions
- Prescriptions per program: associate a program with a prescription and restrict the items which can be dispensed
- Development tools + directory restructure - further enhancements of the reporting infrastructure.
- A set of client specific reports which utilise the new reporting framework
Vaccination Cards enhancements: Issues
Further enhancements to the vaccination card feature
- Filtering patients by next of kin
- Schedule next encounter from the current encounter
- Reports
Backend Plugin Issues
A system to extend the functionality of the core application with plugins. This gives us great flexibility to extend the application:
- Allowing external developers to create functionality
- Providing a way for the application to support client specific functionality
- Enabling behaviour to be changed without upgrading the entire application!
This is the initial release of the functionality in which the framework is introduced and several plugins are implemented to meet some of the client specific features.
- #4015 Allow filtering "View Stock Page" by master list
- Dependency updates
- #4707 Automate Android build
- #5956 Invalidate graphql requests on sync
- #5943 Inform users why table actions are disabled
- #5009 Mobile modal improvements
- #6480 Unclear which store's SOH & AMC are shown when clicking on an item in Requisitions
Bug fixes
- #5814 Cold storage range not translated
- #5669 Patient lookup failure
- #5368 Open mSupply Views don't account for negative stock correctly
- #5620 Performance issue with sync integration with large data file
- #5868 Name filter not working for Requisitions
- #5886 GEDSI: logout modal text is too close/overlaps
- #5858 Incorrect warning prompt when deleting a requisition
- #6100 Log events need standardising
- #4980 Prescription picked_date isn't quite correct
- #5184 Use correct formula to get days in month
- #4980 Prescription picked_date isn't quite correct
- #6075 'Invoice Number' column can be clearer
- #5567 Program master list soft delete
- #5155 Updated patient's information is not showing in a prescription
- #5102 Cannot change servers unless logged in
- #3813 Retry api on connection error or timeout
- #5818 Creating a new encounter does not take you to a newly created encounter, instead keeps you on a landing page
- #5121 Supplier Returns: unable to delete Quantity to Return if the Quantity Available for Return is a decimal number
- #5808 Item variants: Packaging tables are not ordered
- #5079 Remove raw GraphQL error detail from error snacks
- #5293 Backspace item selection
- #5918 Indicator values are not being transferred to supplying store
- #5147 Items in a location that is on hold should not be counted towards available stock
- #5806 Change the button style (orange text on white) to have black text
- #6144 You can create more than the max number of emergency internal orders by period defined for a program
- #6005 Sync icon is not updated to white colour, only visible when hovered over the button
- #5122 Requisitions: user can create OS, despite not having 'create invoice' permission
- #5579 Item usage report showing different data on mSupply vs on OMS
- #5080 Allow manual config of ServerURL in desktop app
- #6422 Cannot create requisition programs for customers because of max order
- #6470 Refine shortcuts
- #5516 i can delete a requisition line for which stock has been allocated in a outbound shipment
- #6712 safely deserialise invoice_line.item_variant_id
- #6574 Make Errors Great Again!
- #6517 App crashes when I click on disabled Reason dropdown Supplier return edit modal
- #6626 Prevent needing to double-click 'Next' when adding items to Internal Orders
- #6521 Remove whitespace from username input
- #6605 fix time picker crash
- #6441 fix add item variant
- #6563 rename masterlist to masterlists in stock line node and move to item node
- #6492 constrain standard form logo size
- #6270 Hide footer popups on backdrop click
- #6631 Make demographic clearable in vaccine course
- #6234 Don't fix width item info/indicator info table
- #6755 Dispensing keyboard usability
Full Changelog: v2.5.2...v2.6.0
Updated French Translations
Full Changelog: v2.5.1...v2.5.2
Significant Known Issues
- With this version you may experince issues creating locations, and getting logged out. Please review this issue before deploying.
What's Changed
- 6230 not all periods shows up on first load
Full Changelog: v2.5.0...v2.5.1
New Features
Reports Phase 3: Issues.
Some essential carryover and tidy up work for the standard reports
- improving translations and versioning
- some internal tooling
Internal Orders and Item Ledger: Issues.
- Re-vamping Internal Orders UI. Program Internal Orders now allow more information to be entered and survey questions to be answered for reporting purposes.
- The item ledger now available under the Items page.
Dispensing Enhancements: Issues
- New prescriptions UI
- Entry of diagnosis for a prescription
Usability improvements Issues
A number of accessibility and usability enhancements arising from the recent GEDSI review
- Creation of a help page
- Contact form for emailing feedback or support requests
- Checkbox column in tables is now on the left hand side
- Action footer in tables to replace the action drop down
- Button style update and moving of the logout button from the menu
Bug Fixes
- #4907 Browser back button behaviour
- #5218 Age is showing as 0 for patients younger than 1 year old
- #5447 iSC/Cold Chain/GAPS: Equipment Installation Date follows a different format to the rest of the dates in omSupply
- #4967 New Encounter: improve the window appearance
- #5479 iSC/Cold chain/GAPS: export time shows in UTC when exporting cold chain assets
- #5253 New stock line default pack size is 0
- #5465 iSC/Cold chain/GAPS: Rows per page does not get updated/save when importing cold chain equipment
- #5678 Disable indicators on finalised
- #4755 Importing a fridge tag fails if an import has happened in another store
- #5548 Make period, unit and comment sort properly in Internal Order list view
- #5671 Asset export columns don't line up
- #5438 Patient age off by one day in date picker compared to summary toolbar display
- #5511 Capitalise Repack in View Stock -> Ledger
- #5688 Show price in “View stock” page
- #5537 AutocompleteWithPagination not working
- #5561 Manual Inbound Shipment - default pack size not displayed when adding lines using "Add from a Master List" button
- #4892 Hover overs can obscure or hide data entry fields
- #5748 Log and Ledger tabs broken when viewing stock detail in Portuguese
- #5763 Print QR Code Purpose isn't clear
- #5877 Changes to family planning module
- #5223 App crashes when trying to scan without permission
- #5235 Tooltip repetition in column headers
- #5468 Info Alert in Toolbar placement not ideal
- #5554 Item variant usability
- #5396 Show hide all columns doesn't
- #5903 Item to show total values not available
- #5841 GAPS item import script is incorrect
- #5780 Inbound Shipment table does not show total cost
- #5120 Don't allow deleting inbound shipment lines for transfers
- #5941 Update button styles
- #5768 Inbound shipment placeholder lines have $NaN cost price when grouped by item
- #5846 Family Planning/Reproductive Health module: we need to make it clear the dispensing is in packs
- #5857 Infinite Loading spinner when adding some items to a Requisition
- #5953 Move the ServerInfo component to the settings page
- #5934 Unable to select store or language when screen size <= 1024 px
- #5957 Remove duplicate "New item" link
- #5969 Rename otherPartyId to patientId on PrescriptionRow
- #5964 Unable to change patient
- #5967 Restore row expansion in prescription detail view
- #5919 Update app bar button to display disabled buttons clearly
- #5951 Save correct name id for values
- #5109 add confirmation modal for line allocation
- #5995 Query with user customer store name id
- #5433 use total soh in requisition
- #4591 Update cost per unit when items not grouped
- #5977 Ability to clear clinician name
- #6011 Update route to navigate to Portuguese docs when lang is Portuguese
- #6014 Handle date change properly
- #5582 Add rounding to internal order request edit
- #5473 manual requisitions duplicate program names
- #5696 Add requested to tetum
- #6070 fix adjustment calculation
- #6021 There are 2 scroll bars in the item list of the internal order edit window
- #6083 #6090 #6061 #6059 Prescription hotfixes x4
- #6019 IO extra columns show with use consumption data pref
- #6092 Add icon and update shouldShrink
- #6040 Get invoice line cost/sell price instead of stock line
- #6049 Fix error boundary
- #6097 Stocktake with quantity and without quantity seem to be wrong way around?
- #6108 correct the browser tab window title name for the reports
- #6098 Pack size shows as Pack in reports?
- #6114 adding new asset crashes
- #6096 & #6095 Variance report fix
- #6128 Internal order editing requested packs does not save changes
- #6056 Incorrect Created Date, Confirmed Date and Shipped Date when printing out an Inbound/Outbound Shipment
- #6088 dispensary directions popover shows batch but unclear this is batch
- #6147 Indicators details show Nothing here where there is no customer to show. This text should be hidden
- #6098 Rename all pack to pack size
- #6146 for ivory coast, indicators should not be included in emergency orders
- #6199 Able to add items to a non-manual requisition
- #5869 Don't convert dob to naivedate
- #6181 Hack: Always use base year 2024 for demographic projections
- #6221 Fix dateOrNA macro for inbound report
- #6220 some report translation issue
- #6185 fix internal order value after backspace
- #6192 Remove mislabelled column
- #6162 in stock and available show wrong numbers once the prescription is saved
- #6119 Disable next button when adding new item (internal order + manual requisition)
Full Changelog: v2.4.3...v2.5.0
Bug fixes:
- #5748 - Stock Log & Ledger tabs merged into one table in Portuguese
Full Changelog: v2.4.02...v2.4.3
What's Changed
- #5777 add XOF currency
- #5579 Item usage and expiring items fix
- Fix out of stock calculation for stock status report
- #5799 Fix item usage report in postgres
Full Changelog:
New Feature
Reproductive Health Module: Issues
Bug fixes
- #5392 Allow editing of asset number
- #5696 Add R&R form tetum translations
- Reduce apk size
- #5579 Fix queries on item usage report
- #5025 hidden items showing on item usage and stock details reports
- #5735 Report tweaks
- #5098 Bug fix for Transfer Errors with missing referential constraints
Full Changelog: v2.4.0...v2.4.1
What's Changed
- 5733 support negative R&R Form number inputs on Samsung tablets
Full Changelog: v2.3.4...v2.3.5