New Features
Reports Phase 3: Issues.
Some essential carryover and tidy up work for the standard reports
- improving translations and versioning
- some internal tooling
Internal Orders and Item Ledger: Issues.
- Re-vamping Internal Orders UI. Program Internal Orders now allow more information to be entered and survey questions to be answered for reporting purposes.
- The item ledger now available under the Items page.
Dispensing Enhancements: Issues
- New prescriptions UI
- Entry of diagnosis for a prescription
Usability improvements Issues
A number of accessibility and usability enhancements arising from the recent GEDSI review
- Creation of a help page
- Contact form for emailing feedback or support requests
- Checkbox column in tables is now on the left hand side
- Action footer in tables to replace the action drop down
- Button style update and moving of the logout button from the menu
Bug Fixes
- #4907 Browser back button behaviour
- #5218 Age is showing as 0 for patients younger than 1 year old
- #5447 iSC/Cold Chain/GAPS: Equipment Installation Date follows a different format to the rest of the dates in omSupply
- #4967 New Encounter: improve the window appearance
- #5479 iSC/Cold chain/GAPS: export time shows in UTC when exporting cold chain assets
- #5253 New stock line default pack size is 0
- #5465 iSC/Cold chain/GAPS: Rows per page does not get updated/save when importing cold chain equipment
- #5678 Disable indicators on finalised
- #4755 Importing a fridge tag fails if an import has happened in another store
- #5548 Make period, unit and comment sort properly in Internal Order list view
- #5671 Asset export columns don't line up
- #5438 Patient age off by one day in date picker compared to summary toolbar display
- #5511 Capitalise Repack in View Stock -> Ledger
- #5688 Show price in “View stock” page
- #5537 AutocompleteWithPagination not working
- #5561 Manual Inbound Shipment - default pack size not displayed when adding lines using "Add from a Master List" button
- #4892 Hover overs can obscure or hide data entry fields
- #5748 Log and Ledger tabs broken when viewing stock detail in Portuguese
- #5763 Print QR Code Purpose isn't clear
- #5877 Changes to family planning module
- #5223 App crashes when trying to scan without permission
- #5235 Tooltip repetition in column headers
- #5468 Info Alert in Toolbar placement not ideal
- #5554 Item variant usability
- #5396 Show hide all columns doesn't
- #5903 Item to show total values not available
- #5841 GAPS item import script is incorrect
- #5780 Inbound Shipment table does not show total cost
- #5120 Don't allow deleting inbound shipment lines for transfers
- #5941 Update button styles
- #5768 Inbound shipment placeholder lines have $NaN cost price when grouped by item
- #5846 Family Planning/Reproductive Health module: we need to make it clear the dispensing is in packs
- #5857 Infinite Loading spinner when adding some items to a Requisition
- #5953 Move the ServerInfo component to the settings page
- #5934 Unable to select store or language when screen size <= 1024 px
- #5957 Remove duplicate "New item" link
- #5969 Rename otherPartyId to patientId on PrescriptionRow
- #5964 Unable to change patient
- #5967 Restore row expansion in prescription detail view
- #5919 Update app bar button to display disabled buttons clearly
- #5951 Save correct name id for values
- #5109 add confirmation modal for line allocation
- #5995 Query with user customer store name id
- #5433 use total soh in requisition
- #4591 Update cost per unit when items not grouped
- #5977 Ability to clear clinician name
- #6011 Update route to navigate to Portuguese docs when lang is Portuguese
- #6014 Handle date change properly
- #5582 Add rounding to internal order request edit
- #5473 manual requisitions duplicate program names
- #5696 Add requested to tetum
- #6070 fix adjustment calculation
- #6021 There are 2 scroll bars in the item list of the internal order edit window
- #6083 #6090 #6061 #6059 Prescription hotfixes x4
- #6019 IO extra columns show with use consumption data pref
- #6092 Add icon and update shouldShrink
- #6040 Get invoice line cost/sell price instead of stock line
- #6049 Fix error boundary
- #6097 Stocktake with quantity and without quantity seem to be wrong way around?
- #6108 correct the browser tab window title name for the reports
- #6098 Pack size shows as Pack in reports?
- #6114 adding new asset crashes
- #6096 & #6095 Variance report fix
- #6128 Internal order editing requested packs does not save changes
- #6056 Incorrect Created Date, Confirmed Date and Shipped Date when printing out an Inbound/Outbound Shipment
- #6088 dispensary directions popover shows batch but unclear this is batch
- #6147 Indicators details show Nothing here where there is no customer to show. This text should be hidden
- #6098 Rename all pack to pack size
- #6146 for ivory coast, indicators should not be included in emergency orders
- #6199 Able to add items to a non-manual requisition
- #5869 Don't convert dob to naivedate
- #6181 Hack: Always use base year 2024 for demographic projections
- #6221 Fix dateOrNA macro for inbound report
- #6220 some report translation issue
- #6185 fix internal order value after backspace
- #6192 Remove mislabelled column
- #6162 in stock and available show wrong numbers once the prescription is saved
- #6119 Disable next button when adding new item (internal order + manual requisition)
Full Changelog: v2.4.3...v2.5.0