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Carl Karsten edited this page Aug 15, 2019 · 3 revisions

Veyepar is not a traditional NLE, it is hardly an editor at all. It collects data from Voctomix cutlist.log and provides a web interface to confirm/adjust the start and end times and create a cut list for the MLT encoder process. There isn't a UI for fixing edge cases, but there is a provision to work with Shotcut.

This page explains that process.

  1. Download the generated cutlist, assets and proxy files.
  2. File/Open (don't use +Add to playlist or timeline) the .mlt in Shotcut, make changes, Save (the cutlist. No need to encode, you don't have the high quality sources)
  3. Send the updated .mlt file along with any additional asset files (png's or audio files that have been added.)

These files get put in place for veyepar/mlt to process using the original files from Voctomix. The output from that is then in place for veyepar to process (upload, review, notify, etc.)


The files from Voctomix are about 20 gig per half hour chunk, so a little big to be moving over the internet. Veyepar creates very low bitrate files, aka proxy files. The audio is kept high as that does not take up too much space and is more valuable to this process.

The Voctomix files are stored under a dv/ directory (because that's what we stared with when we were using DVswitch).

The proxy files are stored under web/ and uploaded to a CDN along with the .mlt and title/credits images.

Veyepar produces a shell script to wget the files and create symlinks so that the files referenced in the .mlt point to files. They just aren't the same files that will be used when veyepar encodes later. I am working on producing a zip file that will unzip the files into the needed places on the target.

Example: download, extract, get running, close.

chmod u+x


└── veyepar
    └── pyohio
        └── pyohio_2019
            ├── assets
            │   └── credits
            │       └── ndv-169.png
            ├── dv -> web
            ├── mlt
            │   └── How_to_Write_Pytest_Plugins.mlt
            ├── titles
            │   ├── How_to_Write_Pytest_Plugins.png
            │   └── How_to_Write_Pytest_Plugins.svg
            └── web
                └── cartoon2
                    └── 2019-07-27
                        ├── 11_31_24.ts -> 11_31_24.ts.mp4
                        ├── 11_31_24.ts.mp4
                        ├── 12_01_24.ts -> 12_01_24.ts.mp4
                        └── 12_01_24.ts.mp4
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