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Carl Karsten edited this page Aug 2, 2019 · 3 revisions

Veyepar is not a traditional NLE, it is hardly an editor at all. It collects data from Voctomix cutlist.log and provides a web interface to confirm/adjust the start and end times and create a cut list for the MLT encoder process. There isn't a UI for fixing edge cases, but there is a provision to work with 

To fix videos in post Veyepar uses

I hope you can also figure out ShotCut as that's what I use for encoding, and you won't have access to the 30+gig of source files. but you will have access to what I think are called proxy files: low quality encodes that you can pull down quickly and use to create a cultist that I can use against the originals. download.

Hope you are on linux, or maybe mac, or maybe WSL so you can run this:

wget chmod u+x ./



carl@twist:~/temp$ tree └── veyepar └── pyohio └── pyohio_2019 ├── assets │ └── credits │ └── ndv-169.png ├── dv -> web ├── mlt │ └── How_to_Write_Pytest_Plugins.mlt ├── titles │ ├── How_to_Write_Pytest_Plugins.png │ └── How_to_Write_Pytest_Plugins.svg └── web └── cartoon2 └── 2019-07-27 ├── 11_31_24.ts -> 11_31_24.ts.mp4 ├── 11_31_24.ts.mp4 ├── 12_01_24.ts -> 12_01_24.ts.mp4 └── 12_01_24.ts.mp4

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