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Distributing the framework in a package manager

Stanislav Vasilev edited this page Feb 4, 2025 · 13 revisions

This page is designed as a resource for distribution maintainers that want to package the UntitledImGuiFramework as a system library.

Exporting for production manually

You can also create a package manually using the following steps:

  1. Find the dependencies as listed on the installation guide
  2. Find the dependencies of our shared modules. A list can be found here.
  3. Download the framework source code. Download the tarball published to the GitHub releases page. Do not download the tarball provided by GitHub. Instead, use the artefact published from the CI system, as it has the git modules checked out
  4. Run ./ ci and
  5. Run ./create-project tmp to create a project called tmp
  6. Set application compilation mode as noted on the Production export and deployment page. If packaging the framework in system-wide mode, where there is only 1 framework for all applications, set system-wide to true. Additionally, set install-framework to true to install framework header file
  7. Go to the UVKBuildTool/build directory and run ./UVKBuildTool --build <installation prefix> <location of the project>
  8. Remove any installed files that do not belong to the framework

Example packages

MadLadSquad maintains the following package repositories that you can use as a reference for your own applications:

  1. Gentoo Linux: UntitledDesktopOverlay
  2. Debian & derivatives - Coming soon!
  3. RPM - Coming soon!
  4. Arch Linux PKGBUILDs: MadLadSquad AUR page
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